Best Hymns Of All Time

Best Hymns Of All Time

Hymns have been an integral part of Christian worship for centuries, providing a means of expressing faith, hope, and devotion. Throughout history, many hymns have become beloved classics, inspiring generations of believers with their powerful messages and beautiful melodies. Here, we’ve put together our top five picks for the best hymns of all time. There are so many wonderful hymns that it’s very difficult to narrow it down to just five, but we truly hope you enjoy our list!

Rock of Ages


To kick off our list for the best hymns of all time, we have Rock of Ages. This popular hymn was written by Augustus Toplady in 1763. 

The hymn starts off with the following verse:

“Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee; Let the water and the blood, From thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure.”

The hymn goes on to describe the experience of being saved by Christ and the peace and comfort that it brings. The second verse speaks of the guilt and shame that sinners feel, while the third verse speaks of the power and sovereignty of God. The final verse speaks of the eternal life that awaits believers in heaven.

How Great Thou Art


Checking in at the 4th spot on our list is How Great Thou Art. This hymn originated as a Swedish poem called “O Store Gud” in 1885. The poem was written by Carl Gustav Boberg, a Swedish pastor, and was later translated into English by Stuart K. Hine in the 1940s. The hymn speaks of the greatness of God and His creation and offers hope and comfort in times of sorrow.

The first verse of the hymn goes as follows:

“O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed.”

The hymn also describes the beauty and majesty of God’s creation, and the second verse speaks of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The third verse speaks of the hope and assurance that believers have in Christ, while the final verse speaks of the eternal life that awaits believers in heaven. This popular hymn was an easy pick as one of the best hymns ever for our list.

Holy, Holy, Holy


Cracking the top three we’ve got Holy, Holy, Holy. This beautiful hymn was written by Reginald Heber in 1826. The hymn speaks of the holiness and majesty of God and offers praise and adoration to Him.

The hymn begins with the opening lines:

“Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee; Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty! God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!”

The hymn goes on to describe the beauty and majesty of God’s holiness, and the second verse speaks of the angels and saints who offer praise to Him. The third verse speaks of the sinfulness of humanity and the need for God’s mercy, while the final verse speaks of the eternal life that awaits believers in heaven, making it one of the most sung hymns during worship services.

Old Rugged Cross


At number two for the best hymn of all time we’ve got Old Rugged Cross. This hymn was written by George Bennard in 1912. The hymn speaks of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and the hope that it brings to believers.

The first verse of the hymn goes as follows:

“On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, The emblem of suffering and shame; And I love that old cross where the dearest and best For a world of lost sinners was slain.”

The hymn then describes the experience of being saved by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. The second verse speaks of the guilt and shame that sinners feel, while the third verse speaks of the hope and assurance that believers have in Christ. The final verse speaks of the eternal life that awaits believers in heaven. Its message of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and the hope that it brings to believers has touched the hearts of millions of people around the world.

Amazing Grace


At number one of our list for the top hymn of all time is Amazing Grace. The lyrics for this hymn were written by John Newton in 1772. They speak of the amazing grace of God that saves sinners and offers them hope and redemption. The hymn is widely considered to be one of the most popular and beloved hymns of all time.

The hymn starts off with the following verse:

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see.”

The hymn goes on to describe the experience of being saved by grace and the transformation that it brings. The second verse speaks of the dangers and trials of life, while the third verse speaks of the hope and assurance that believers have in Christ. The final verse speaks of the eternal life that awaits believers in heaven.

Amazing Grace has become a popular hymn in many Christian denominations and is often sung in worship services, funerals, and other special occasions. Although there are many beloved hymns, this one takes our number one spot on the list for the best hymns of all time.

We hope you enjoyed our list! 

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